Furniture Addict

Hi my name is Allie, and I am a furniture-aholic. I have a serious addiction to furniture. Which is good considering it’s pretty useful in my line of work, but it can be a very expensive personal habit to have. My favourite piece to date was my new headboard from West Elm. I patiently waited for its arrival, and when the day finally came I was like a little girl on Christmas morning. Dancing around while deliverymen brought the giant box into my not so giant apartment, commenting that they had never seen anyone quite so excited about a piece of furniture.

Following the delivery, a weird one-woman show unfolded that entailed me trying remove my new treasure from the box, lifting it up onto the bed, and finally using the bed itself as my cantilever to eventually drop the headboard in place. I could have waited for help, but I was much too impatient to see my new beauty installed. It was quite the workout, but it was completely worth it!

For me, furniture is not just a utilitarian item. For me, furniture is a piece of art that enhances your everyday life.